STUDY/article reading

Jeff Bezos stepping down as Amazon CEO, transitioning to executive chair role

joah.k 2021. 2. 21. 23:51

<아마존 CEO에서 물러나는 제프 베조스에 관련한 article> 

Jeff Bezos stepping down as Amazon CEO, transitioning to executive chair role

-The Amazon CEO is handing the reins to cloud services chief Andy Jassy this summer.


Amazon의 Jeff Bezos가 CEO 자리에서 물러나고 그 자리를 Andy Jassy가 이어 받는다. (왼:Jeff Bezos, 오:Andy Jassy) 




 Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will step down as chief executive of the e-commerce giant, turning over the reins to the company’s longtime cloud-computing boss Andy Jassy. 

-- 사실 나는 아마존의 경영 전략이나 투자 형태 등 이런 부분에서만 간략히 관심을 가졌었고 CEO에 대해서는 잘 몰랐다. 이 아티클에서는 그의 경영 철학이나 앞으로의 아마존 발전 방향에 대해 나와서 흥미롭게 읽었다. 


Under Bezos’s stewardship, Amazon evolved from an upstart online bookseller into one of the world’s most popular Internet marketplaces able to quickly deliver a vast catalogue of products and services. Bezos’s creation helped set in motion a massive change in the way people around the world shop, as people began buying toothpaste to car parts to groceries on their PCs and phones. Amazon also triggered a sea change in physical retail, accelerating the shuttering of shopping malls and stores. That shift has only accelerated as the coronavirus pandemic fueled a surge in online shopping as worried customers shunned stores.   -- Bezos의 관리하에 Amazon은 신생 온라인 서점에서 방대한 제품 및 서비스 카탈로그를 신속하게 제공 할 수있는 세계에서 가장 인기있는 인터넷 상점으로 발전했다. 최근의 펜데믹 상황은 이러한 아마존의 성장에 가속화를 야기했다고.. 


To make the e-commerce business run, Amazon had to create an array of computer data centers, stacked with rows upon rows of servers, to make sure the online marketplace could handle the growing business. That developed into a new market for the company, Amazon Web Services, a giant, profit-driving cloud computing operation that now powers websites around the world. -- 내가 관심 있는 부분. 아마존사는 클라우딩 데이터 쪽에 많은 투자를 하고 있다고 한다. 미래 신산업에 대한 아마존의 관심과 투자. 이는 아마존의 장기적인 발전에도 도움이 될 것 같다. 최근의 비약적인 성장세 또한 단지 펜데믹으로 인한 깜짝 성장은 아닌 것 같다. 


Amazon for years faced fierce criticism for underpaying workers, only to boost its minimum wage to $15 an hour in 2018. It came under fire at the beginning of the pandemic for what workers said was a lack of precautions. It’s fighting an aggressive union drive at its Bessemer, Ala., warehouse, where employees are pressing for better working conditions and higher pay. -- 하지만 저임금 등 아마존의 열악한 노동 조건에 대한 비판이 계속 있어왔고.. 이 아티클에서는 짧게 언급하고 넘어갔지만 아마존의 눈부신 성장에 대한 명과 암이 분명히 있다고 생각한다. 



Bezos, who turned 57 last month, set up the transition to Jassy last summer, when the company announced that one of his possible successors, Jeff Wilke, would soon retire. That paved the way for Jassy to take the CEO job.

-- Jeff Wike 가 완전히 새로운 외부 인사는 아닌가 보다. Bozos 의 경영 철학을 이어가려나? 


n the early 2000s, Jassy shadowed Bezos as his technical assistant, something of a chief-of-staff role. And he helped launch AWS, which upended the software industry with its ability to rent space and software programming for customers to run their technical operations on Amazon’s vast array of servers.  -- Jsssy와 Bezos는 인연이 깊다. 


=> 그렇다면 Bezos는 앞으로 무엇을 하는가? 

Bezos’s own interests have changed over the years as he personally pushed into new industries. That included launching Blue Origin about 20 years ago, a space-travel company with the stated goal of “millions of people living and working in space.” Although the company has struggled, Bezos has invested to the tune of $1 billion a year in the company and rhapsodizes about a future in which humans live in massive habitats in orbit and mine asteroids. He has said it “is the most important work I’m doing.” -- 여기도 머스크처럼 우주가 관심인가 보다. 앞으로의 Bezos 의 행보가 매우 매우 기대됨. (항공주에 투자를 한 상황이라 더더욱ㅎ)


And he’ll continue to play an important role at Amazon. The company’s finance chief, Brian Olsavsky, said Bezos will remain “very involved” even after he moves into his new role. -- "very involved" 하실거라 함.

...What’s more, Bezos remains Amazon’s largest individual shareholder.  -- 개인 최대 주주라니 말 다했다! 




아티클 원문


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