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Imposter Syndrome (가면 증후군)

joah.k 2021. 1. 16. 02:06

Have You Ever Experienced ‘Impostor Syndrome’?

Do you ever have feelings of self-doubt, that you’re not good enough or that you don’t belong?

뉴욕타임즈 뉴스레터를 읽다가 흥미로운 글을 보았다. '임포스터 신드롬' 

사실 '임포스터' 하면 어몽어스부터 생각났던 나... 


 혹시 내가 imposter? 

리플리 증후군처럼 사기치는 느낌이었는데 아니었다. 

그렇다면 임포스터 신드롬이란 ?

You feel like a fraud. 

You devalue your worth.

You undermine your experience or expertise.


자신의 성공을 노력이 아닌 운의 탓으로 돌리고, 자신의 실력임에도 불구하고 의심하고 과소평가하는 개념.

누군가 가끔은 이럴 때가 있지 않을까 싶기도 하고. 내가 진짜 조심해야지 생각하는 감정들 이기도.. 



전문가는 임포스터 신드롬을 예방하기 위해 이렇게 하라고 한다. 


1. 본인의 이름을 크게 외치기 (OO아 잘했어 대단해!) 

Say your name aloud. Research has found that the simple act of taking a positive affirmation (such as “I’m awesome”) and adding your name to it (“Jessica is awesome”) can have a powerful effect on how you perceive yourself. And before you get bashful, LeBron James does it. “I wanted to do what was best for LeBron James,” he said when explaining his decision to leave the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat in 2010. The Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai has done it, too. “I said, ‘If he comes, what would you do, Malala?’” she told Jon Stewart, describing how she wrestled with her decision to speak out against the Taliban. “Then I would reply to myself, ‘Malala, just take a shoe and hit him.’” If it’s good enough for a Nobel Peace Prize winner, I’m pretty sure it’s good enough for the rest of us.


2. 자신의 성취임을 인지할 것

Own your accomplishments. Women tend to explain their successes away by ascribing them to things like “luck,” “hard work” or “help from others” rather than the innate ability or intelligence than men often cite. Try to own the role you played in your success by forbidding yourself from falling back on excuses. Practice saying these words out loud: “I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished.”


3. 자신감 있게 행동하도록 선택할 것. 스스로가 의심이 들 때 잘한 일 3가지를 적어보자! 

Decide to be confident.  Literally make the choice to be confident. Raise your hand. Volunteer your expertise. When you start spiraling into self-doubt, force yourself to write down three things you’ve done well. (If three isn’t enough to ease your doubts, write three more.)   



임포스터 증후군이 무조건 나쁜 것은 아니다. 새로운 발전의 기회로 삼아보자.


Feeling like an impostor can be a good thing because it won’t allow your ego to become overinflated. When your ego takes over, you tend to get comfortable and avoid potential unknowns. This way, you won’t take opportunities for granted and will be open to learning new things so you can continue to sharpen your skills and experience.



[ 참고 article ]

